(ANNAPOLIS) After leading her team to their third straight District Title, Michaela Ayers of the South Iron Panthers girls basketball team has been named the Parkland Health Mart Pharmacy Play it Forward Athlete of the Week. Ayers had 41 points, had 11 rebounds, and 7 assists in two games for the Panthers on the week.

That’s South Iron head coach Lawrence Graves. Graves says that Ayers’ sheer desire to win is what makes her special beyond the stats.

Ayers, a junior guard, has now won a District Title in all 3 of her years on varsity. Her, coach Graves, and the Panthers all have the sights set high for this year’s state tournament.

Ayers will receive a certificate, a t shirt, and Parkland Health Mart Pharmacy will make a $25 donation to a charity of her choice.
