DeSoto’s Foeller & Porter named Parkland Health Mart Pharmacy “Play It Forward” Co-Athlete of the Week
February 25, 2020 12:27PM CST
Fresh off winning individual state championships, DeSoto wrestlers Jaycee Foeller and Landon Porter have been named the Parkland Health Mart Pharmacy “Play it Forward” Co-Athlete of the Week.
Foeller, a junior, won her second straight state title at 166 pounds this past weekend by defeating Ste. Genevieve’s Kaylee Gross in the title match.
Porter ended his Dragon career by defeating Zane Persinger of Neosho by a 7-4 decision in the Class 3 heavyweight division of 285.
Dragons head coach John Brown says his top wrestlers capped off spectacular seasons at Mizzou Arena in Columbia.
Both athletes will receive a T-shirt and a certificate for being named Athlete of the Week.
Parkland Health Mart Pharmacy will also donate $25 in their name to a charity of their choice.