Hillsboro High School Gets New Mural
September 18, 2023 2:53PM CDT
(HILLSBORO) There is a new mural on the outside wall of the Hillsboro High School gymnasium, the mural was commissioned by the Hillsboro Foundation with community support. Ste. Genevieve artist Kenzie Wolk used a scissor lift that stretched to near the top of the wall to complete the job. Hillsboro Superintendent Dr. Jon Isaacson says Wolk did a great job.
According to Dr. Isaacson, the artwork really stands out as you come onto the high school campus.
Working on the rejuvenation of the Hillsboro Foundation is Scott Readnour, former principal of the Intermediate School who retired last year. Readnour was recently hired by the district to be the Community Relations and Grant Coordinator. He is also working towards developing a Hillsboro R-3 Alumni Association.