JCSO School Resource Officers helping students

(Hillsboro, DeSoto, Jefferson R-7) There are many that believe school resource officers are simply there to keep the peace and respond to any possible problems on campus. While that might be true with some of them, many go above and beyond to develop trust with the students. Deputy Brent Nanney with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office serves as the SRO Officer for the Jefferson R-7 School District. He says he spends a lot of time with the students and helps them out in every way he can.

The students have such high regard for their SRO, that they selected him for a great honor a few years ago.

Deputy Thomas Burton is the School Resource Officer for the DeSoto School District. He shared one very important success story in which he helped a high school student in need.

There are school resource officers in nearly every Jefferson County School District.
