Jefferson Foundation 2019 Round 2 Approved Grants
(Jefferson County) The Jefferson Foundation recently released its 2019 Round 2 list of approved grants.
Some of the organizations that were approved grants are: St. Louis Counseling awarded 325-thousand dollars to provide mental health counseling and presentations in Jefferson County.
Upward Smiles, Inc., was awarded 150-thousand dollars to support the expansion of sedation services that would serve an additional 240 children per year.
Also, a grant of 56-thousand-205 dollars awarded to the Jefferson County Family YMCA to renovate the women’s locker room and to add a universal locker room to the agency’s facility.
Foundation Executive Vice President Missy Endres says they are excited about the list of approved 2019 round 2 grants.
Altogether 78 grants were approved totaling 2-million-361-thousand-401 dollars and some change. Grant money from round 2 is expected to be delivered sometime in the next week.
Round 1 for grant applications in 2020 will start on January 3rd and the deadline to apply is February 12th. Announcements of agencies approved grant money from round 1 of 2020 will be made on May 1st of next year.
For a complete list off all agencies approved grant money from the Jefferson Foundation during round 2, click here.