Madison County 4-H Shooting Sports Workshop

(Madison County) Missouri 4-H and the University of Missouri Extension are teaming up to help certified 4-H volunteers in southeast Missouri earn a shooting sports certification. The weekend long workshop will be April 5th through the 7th. It teaches volunteers gun safety and training so they will be able to give relevant and thoughtful instruction to 4-H youth of Missouri. Attendees will be able to pick from a variety of subsections of shooting sports.

Brad Coleman, the 4-H Youth Specialist for Iron, Madison and Reynolds Counties, says shooting sports is the fastest growing project area nationwide in 4-H and brings joy to the the kids.

This is the first time the conference has been held in southeast Missouri and Coleman is thrilled to bring this workshop closer to residents of Madison County and surrounding areas.

The workshop starts April 5th at 7:30 p.m. and runs until Sunday the 7th at 3:15. It costs 100 dollars to attend and space is limited. if you have any questions call Brad Coleman at (573) 546-7515 or go to the University of Missouri Extension website.


Full interview with Brad Coleman:
