National Weather Service Predicts Above Average Precipitation this Winter
October 28, 2019 11:57AM CDT
(East Central-Southeast Missouri) The National Weather Service says there’s a likelihood of above normal precipitation in the Plains and Midwest in the coming months, including in Missouri.
Senior hydrologist Mark Fuchs with the National Weather Service in St. Louis says the weather models are showing increased rain from November to January, and even stretching into February. He says a winter weather outlook indicates most of that precipitation would likely be in the form of snow.
Fuchs says Missouri needs time to drain the moisture into the system and flush itself out.
He cautions that the outlook is not a forecast.
Fuchs spoke at the Missouri River Basin Corps of Engineers management update last Friday.
Corps officials say they will be as aggressive as they can this fall pumping water out of the basins to prepare for next spring, in the event of more flooding in 2020.