Severe Weather Preparedness Week

The National Weather Service says weather radios will sound an alert at about 10:00am Tuesday during severe weather preparedness week. National Weather Service Meteorologist Sally Johnson says it’s time to be thinking ahead…

The statewide tornado drill is going to be held this morning. Outdoor warning sirens will also sound. Johnson says always have a plan…

State and local officials are encouraging families, businesses and schools to participate in the drill which will be run as part of Severe Weather Preparedness Week in Missouri.

Tornadoes aren’t the only hazards to be aware of. Johnson says lightning is dangerous even when you can’t see it…

And flooding kills more people annually than any other weather hazard…

We asked Johnson if severe weather events are increasing. She told that like much of weather forecasting, it is difficult to know…

When severe weather threatens our area make sure to tune to J-98 for severe weather radar reports.
