Mineral Area College Athletic Directors Planning for Busy Fall Semester
The athletes at Mineral Area College are coming off a strong semester, with several successful sports seasons and conference leading numbers in the classroom. As the fall rolls around, athletic director Jim Gerwitz and assistant Michael Overman have a lot to prepare for. One of those things is the addition of a new JV baseball team.

Part of the preparation is an upgrade to the baseball field.

The baseball diamond is not the only field the school plans to resurface.

Another big event Mineral Area College is hosting is its annual athletics booster club golf tournament. Sign ups to play are still open.

As usual, the registration fee for the tournament will benefit the school’s athletic teams.

The golf tournament will be held September 22nd at Crowne Point. The first session starts at 7 a.m. and the second session as at 12;30 p.m. The deadline to register is September 15th.
