Twin City Days Hunt for the Redbird winners!
(Festus, Crystal City) The elusive Redbird has been found! The Roberts family of Festus, specifically Holly Roberts, found the hidden prize at 10 p.m. on Wednesday night. After the clues “Storms” and “Tower”, Holly was convinced it was somewhere here around the radio station, where they did a thorough search.
In fact, Holly’s mother-in-law, Carla was convinced it was on our tower.
That move brought the team down Scenic Drive a bit, where they searched a city utility outbuilding. That’s where Team Roberts found the Redbird. Holly shares her thought process.
The Roberts Family team consists of Holly, Lilly, Bryant, and Carla, who have found the Redbird before. Their success comes from family teamwork!
And that teamwork paid off! Congratulations to the 2023 Twin City Days “Hunt for the Redbird” winners, Holly and the Roberts Family. They will receive Tickets to a Cardinals Game, a Hotel stay, and braggin’ rights until next year.