Would’ve Been Country Days

(Farmington) For nearly a half century Farmington welcomed people from all around to enjoy a festival called Country Days. This weekend would have been the 42nd annual Country Days. However like much else in 2020 it was called off because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Local businessman Dan Combs was part of the group that got it all started in 1978…

Combs says that they did some research back then and found out that there was an even older event called Cow Days…

The festival took off with many people remembering 1992 as the height of the event with Dolly Parton coming to town…

This year the headline band was to be Restless Heart. Jessie and Mike Williams were named as Mr. and Mrs. Country Days and Visions of Hope would have been the parade marshals. As it turned out, we’ll have wait another year for one dollar hot dogs, Route 67 taking the stage in Long Park, a night time bike ride and the mayor’s prayer breakfast.

Full interview with Dan Combs
