Festus Fishing Club asking for help with funding

(Festus) The Festus Fishing Club is looking for season sponsors or donations to help offset the teams expenses.

The fishing club consists a number of coaches overseeing a handful of area youth members who participate in various tournaments from around the region.

Derick Hux is a manager of the program, under Mitch Evans who is the head coach. Hux says the program has been growing since its conception.

However, it has become harder to keep funding the youth fishing team with the average cost to participate around $1,500 dollars per kid.

Hux says the funding will also help in participating in the fishing clubs seasonal tournaments.

The Festus Fishing Club has roughly 12 teams which consists of two youth per team and a boat captain.

To help the Festus Fishing Team with a donation or possible sponsorship’s, contact Huxco Construction at 636-931-2243 or see the Venmo image below.

