Jefferson County Democrat Wants Jason Smith’s Congressional Seat
December 21, 2023 7:50PM CST
(Farmington) A democrat from Jefferson County has announced his intentions to run for Missouri’s 8th District congressional seat.
Franklin Delano “Denny” Roth II was born and raised in Indiana where he worked on a grain farm for 26 years with his father.
In 2005, Roth and his wife moved to Jefferson County Missouri where he worked in agriculture sales and was a truck driver until he retired in 2022.
We asked Roth to pinpoint the most pressing concern he would attempt to fix if he’s elected to office.
Second Amendment rights is something many voters in the 8th will be watching closely as far as the candidates go.
We asked Roth if democrats are going to take away everyone’s guns.
The man from rural Hillsboro says Jason Smith, the politician from Salem who currently holds this seat in Congress, has spent pretty much his entire adult life in politics.
Before Roth can face Smith in the general election, he will need to get past the primary election coming up in August of 2024.
It looks like Roth will have at least one democrat challenger and that is Randi McCallian of Rolla.
She was Smith’s opponent in 2022.
That election was a blowout with Smith securing 76-percent of the vote.
McCallian could only muster just under 22-percent of the vote.