(Jefferson County) The Jefferson Foundation recently released its 2020 Round 2 list of approved grants.

Some of the organizations that were approved grants are: Brenden’s Friday Backpack Program, Inc. awarded a grant of $25,000 to purchase a truck that will be used to deliver the weekly backpacks of food to schools.

Get Healthy De Soto awarded $45,000 to install a commercial kitchen at the De Soto Farmers Market.

Also, a grant of $10,000 awarded to the Herculaneum Fire Department to purchase thermal imaging cameras to help locate people during fires and in cases of missing persons.

Foundation Executive Vice President Missy Endres says it’s great to help and to give back to the community.

Altogether 80 grants were approved totaling 2-million-483-thousand-583 dollars.

Grant money from round 2 is expected to be delivered sometime this week.

Round 1 for grant applications in 2021 will open on January 4th and the deadline to apply is February 11th.

Announcements of agencies approved grant money from round 1 will be made on May 3rd of next year.

For a complete list off all agencies approved grant money from the Jefferson Foundation during round 2, click here.
