Potosi Educator to Receive Missouri Teacher of the Year Award Monday
(Potosi) Greg Kester will be in Columbia Monday night to receive his Missouri State Teacher of the Year Award.
The Potosi High School social studies teacher received the news of winning this prestigious award about a month ago.
Nominated for the state award by a former student, Kester deflects his achievement of excellence by poking fun at himself.

We asked Kester to describe his teaching style or philosophy.

Kester will be honored Monday night in Columbia during the official awards presentation.
The Potosi teacher says he was allowed to invite 30 guests to the event.
Kester is the 55th educator to receive the Missouri Teacher of the Year Award.
The listening area actually had 2 of the 7 finalists for the award. Kathryn Victoria Inman from the Greenville School District in Wayne County was also a finalist.
