Reynolds County Man is 1 of only 5 Selected for the 2021 Missouri Elk Hunting Season

(Reynolds County) A man from Reynolds County is one of the lucky five drawn for Missouri’s 2021 elk hunting season this fall and winter.

Michael Duncan of Lesterville received the only resident-landowner hunting permit.

The other four drawn are Michael Ellison of Gainesville, Tyson Wall of Iberia, Robert Rohtermich of Pomona and Chris Irick of Pleasant Hope.

The Lesterville man was drawn from 84 resident-landowners who had applied.

The other four were randomly drawn from 9,714 permit applications from across the state.

The five hunters may hunt using archery methods October 16th through the 24th and with a rifle December 11th through the 19th.

The hunters can harvest only one bull elk that has at least one antler being a minimum of six inches long.

Elk hunting is permitted only within Carter, Reynolds and Shannon counties, excluding the refuge portion of Peck Ranch.
