Tony Becker is leaving Crystal City Council

(Crystal City) Crystal City Ward 2 Councilman Tony Becker is having to step down from the council because he and his family are moving to St. Louis County. Becker will continue to work at his business, Custom Insurance Services in Crystal City. Becker says his wife Hadas, is a nurse at St. Louis University Hospital and they hope a move will help reduce her commute time after a 12-hour shift. Becker’s last meeting as a councilman will be July 24th and he has served on the council for 12 years. He says there are a number of projects he is glad to have been a part of.

Becker laments he won’t be on the council when a number of issues come to fruition.

Becker also served on the committee that developed the Jefferson County Charter, was co-founder of the Jefferson County Municipal League, has given his time to the Jefferson County Merit System Commission as well as being a longtime member of the Festus-Crystal City Rotary Club having served two terms as club President.
